• January 22, 2025

Wymarzone dwa kółka, czyli… jak wybrać rower idealny

Zredukowanie wagi, polepszenie wydolności, wzmocnienie mięśni czy poprawienie nastroju...

Sources of calcium in a dairy-free diet

Calcium is a beryllium chemical element with atomic number 20 and chemical symbol Ca. Calcium is...

Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid - differences between cannabis types

​When browsing cannabis strains or buying seeds in the store, you may notice that they are...


Cannabinoids are the name of any chemical substance, regardless of its origin or structure...
February 24, 2022

Wymarzone dwa kółka, czyli… jak wybrać rower idealny

Zredukowanie wagi, polepszenie wydolności, wzmocnienie mięśni czy poprawienie nastroju —  niekończąca się lista zalet płynąca z jazdy na rowerze sprawia, że w Twojej głowie...

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May 28, 2021

Sources of calcium...

March 29, 2021

Indica vs. Sativa...

November 20, 2019


October 9, 2019

How to store...

February 3, 2017

How to take care of our eyes?

We continue to teach our children the basic principles of hygiene, such as how we should take care of the cleanliness of our body or hands. Unfortunately, however, there is still no mention of...

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March 2, 2017

ACCEPTANCE Diseases...

March 17, 2017

Ways of heartburn

April 29, 2017

How to stop sweets?

May 16, 2017

Sales of medicines...


  • 5 supplements that strengthen immunity

    February 7, 2019

    The beginning of autumn is associated with an increase in the number of cases of respiratory tract infections and influenza. Poles more and more often try to avoid them by taking various supplements strengthening the body's immunity. Here....

  • What is worth knowing about CBD oil?

    December 31, 2018

    ​ Unfortunately, cannabis is still associated primarily with drugs produced from cannabis. However, it is worth knowing that in addition to the active substance THC, which actually has intoxicating properties, there is also CBD in cannabis, an....

  • Quick and effective cold control

    December 25, 2018

    ​ Do you know someone who has never been cold? The answer to 99.9% is 'no'. Though none of us is striving for it, each of us knows it. Rhinitis, cough, malaise, fever, conjunctivitis or sore throat are symptoms of upper respiratory tract....

  • Herbal medicine, i.e. the pro-health effect of herbs

    November 29, 2018

    ​ Herbal medicine, i.e. also phytotherapy or phytopharmacology is a branch of medicine and pharmacology, which deals with the production of medicines and medicinal products made of medicinal plants. They are used in the prevention and treatment....

Sport and fitness

  • What kind of outfit to choose for a gym?

    March 12, 2019

    ​ Soon you are going to the gym for the first time and you know that you have to buy the right outfit for this? The times when you were practicing in a white T-shirt and navy blue shorts are gone - we have a lot of clothes, shoes and various....

  • Is sport health?

    March 1, 2019

    ​ Each of us has certainly heard the slogan "sport is health" in his or her life. However, not everyone wondered what it means in practice. However, this issue was addressed by the researchers at The Copenhagen City Heart Study. This is a....

  • How to start your fitness adventure?

    January 28, 2019

    If we decide to exercise regularly, we have a chance not only to get the silhouette of our dreams. Physical activity improves fitness and well-being. People who are not afraid of her are not only less often ill, but are also much more active....

  • Stomach bench - the way to a flat stomach

    January 13, 2019

    ​ A flat stomach is a dream of many women. We try different ways, we follow different diets, and still we are not satisfied with the appearance of our stomach. Even in winter we can hide our not too flat stomach under a pile of clothes, but....
