• March 7, 2025

Are Poles lazy?

Poles of working age avoid physical activity - according to the report "Sport activity of Poles" published by TNS. 20 per cent of 25-29 year olds do not participate in sport at all, and the worst situation is among 50 year olds. Lack of activity is most often explained by the lack of time, money and motivation. Meanwhile, the poor condition and fatigue of employees results in a decrease in their resilience, productivity and creativity.

- Every year Poles are more and more physically active, we are still far behind the average physical activity we observe in the European Union countries. Nearly 1/3 of Poles still do not undertake any physical activity," says Joanna Skoczeń, President of the Management Board of VanityStyle, news agency Newseria Lifestyle.

Experts stress that changing habits is a gradual and long-term process, and the term "physical activity" is very broad.

- For some people, physical activity is sports activities in dedicated facilities, i.e. fitness centres, gyms or swimming pools. For others it is a walk with their families, and for others it is a seasonal use of attractions during the summer or winter holidays - says Joanna Skoczeń.

There are many reasons for low physical activity of Poles. First of all, it is a lack of time.

- Research shows that we are one of the most busy nations in Europe. Every second Pole claims to have less than 2 hours of free time a day," Joanna Skoczeń emphasizes.

The second frequently indicated reason is the lack of money.

TNS research shows that Poles choose relatively cheap sports such as cycling (53% of respondents) and running (33%). These disciplines involve a one-time expense, which depends on the brand and level of technical equipment and allows for a certain amount of savings. Fixed expenditure activities, such as swimming pool, gym or tennis courts, are much less popular.

Lack of physical activity

- However, sport in Poland is still expensive, especially for people who want to practice many sports disciplines and use many facilities. In addition, there is the cost of buying the right outfit and shoes," says Joanna Skoczeń.

Another element is the lack of internal motivation. Many people, especially those with a sedentary lifestyle, are afraid of taking on new challenges or are quickly discouraged even after a small amount of effort.

Physical activity has a very important influence on many spheres of life. Its absence causes a number of threats to both physical and mental health. It also translates into family relationships and into productivity and efficiency at work.

- Emotions accumulated under the influence of stress cause a number of disorders. We are irritable, frustrated, nervous. In the long term, this can lead to depression, professional burnout and even implosive fatigue. Sport and all physical activity is the best way to relieve stress, but it is also an excellent way to rebuild the energy we need," explains Joanna Skoczeń.

A forced and busy employee spends his or her free time at home, watching TV or surfing the Internet. In order to increase physical activity, improve the condition and well-being of their employees, employers prepare motivational programmes for them.

- Sport and recreation in Poland are the second most popular benefit in terms of popularity and needs of employees, just behind health insurance. Thanks to physical activity, workers are healthier, more satisfied and are not at higher risk of developing depression. In addition, they are more motivated by the fact that through sport they can achieve their own goals and individual needs, such as belonging to a specific social group, competition with themselves or a team game - says Joanna Skoczeń.

Improving the efficiency and productivity of employees is just one of the many advantages of incentive schemes. Joint training can significantly improve the working atmosphere and strengthen the ties among team members. In addition to professional relations, employees can make new friendships and find an agreement not only on a formal level.
