Cannabis paste is the fastest and cheapest way to consume cannabis, which has remarkable medical and therapeutic properties. It is said to be more effective than RSO oil. Why is it worth reaching for the toothpaste? At the beginning you need to explain what a paste is, because it can be associated with marijuana and drug experiences and it is not.
The paste available in our stores is a pharmacological agent, and it is medical marijuana, but it has less THC, so it has no psychoactive effect. Produced from cannabis grown under special conditions, it has more medicinal CBD that will regulate and stimulate the numerous physiological processes taking place in the body. If administered regularly at specific doses, it can have a beneficial effect on the body.
On the market we have a lot of medical marijuana form, it can be drops, tablets, dried, oil or paste. In the case of pastes, attention must be paid to the concentration of CBD, because it is this compound that is responsible for the therapeutic effect. It is worth remembering that it is always worth reading the leaflet and following the doctor's instructions. As far as contraindications to its use are concerned, it will be pregnancy and breastfeeding. The hemp pharmacy market is developing very dynamically in Poland, so it is worth knowing the properties of hemp paste.
All essential amino acids and omega 3,6,9. Also high quality protein, which is easily digestible, potassium, iron, phosphorus and B vitamins, vitamin E. In the past, seeds and hemp oil were consumed. Believing that they will provide the organism with the necessary nutrients, while the seeds were nutritious and easily digestible, today hemp paste is used primarily for medical and prophylactic purposes.
Generally speaking, hemp paste affects both physical and mental health. It is used in patients who struggle with Parkinson, Alzheimer's, asthma, diabetes, rheumatism and epilepsy. It works very well in case of multiple sclerosis, leukaemia and depression. There are studies that confirm the effectiveness of cannabis in the fight against various ailments, mainly pain and migraines. In addition, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect and copes well with digestive problems. It is worth knowing that it is used during alcohol or heroin rehab. It can be used in anxiety conditions. Studies show that CBD may block the development and migration of cancer cells, therefore hemp paste is consumed by patients as cancer prophylaxis.
To sum up, hemp paste has antidepressant, anticonvulsant, anticancer, antipsychotic, antiemetic and antioxidant properties. Research on CBD is in its infancy, but global research centres already see the potential for this substance and there are also new reports of miraculous properties that can bring relief to a wide range of diseases.
Cannabis pastes are divided into legal and thus generally available, such as those produced from cannabis sowing and illegal cannabis pastes with THC content. In Polish shops we can easily find these non-deodorizing, legal, tested and certified pastes. They are also widely available in other countries, including France. Germany. Great Britain. They are available in pharmacies there, but they will also be available in health food stores. What is important, such a paste can be produced in a few minutes at home, you only need to have some seeds, hemp oil and special tools.