Calcium is a beryllium chemical element with atomic number 20 and chemical symbol Ca. Calcium is the most important mineral for the health of our bones. It makes them strong and healthy. Long-term low intake of calcium has a negative impact on the skeletal system, significantly increases the risk...
Proper skin care starts with proper nutrition. To stay healthy and young, your skin needs nutrients. Both those that come from the right diet and that you assimilate thanks to eating fruit and vegetables, as well as those that you will find in the pharmacy. There are many vitamins that your...
Water is more than 60% of the body weight of an adult. No wonder that daily consumption of the right amount of water is essential for the proper functioning of the body. What water to choose? Which water distribution will be the best for your body? The final decision depends on many factors...
Ascorbic acid, i.e. vitamin C, is essential for everyday functioning of the body. Most mammals produce this compound in their bodies, but humans and other primates are deprived of this possibility. This is due to the fact that the diet of our common ancestors was dominated by fruits...
Nuts.... everyone knows them. But do you know what vitamins and minerals are hidden in them? Do you realize how important they are for our daily diet? Did you know that nuts are one of the natural dietary supplements? If you are not allergic to them - it is worth eating them even every day. Of...
Healthy food is increasingly becoming a guest on our tables not only at home, but also in the restaurant. We are looking for what is marked with labels: "BIO', 'ECO', 'NATURAL'. This is understandable, but products with such a label are only a small proportion of the food that is healthy...
The box diet is gaining more and more recognition among customers. You can count on full-day meals delivered directly to the indicated address. The annoyance associated with shopping, cooking and watching over calories goes to the background, because colloquially speaking, someone does it for...
When November arrives and All Saints' Day is slowly passing by, many people start thinking about another opportunity that will appear quite soon. Maybe this is partly due to the traders. Finally, immediately after the first of November, Christmas decorations enter the shops, which rule in it...
Proper food storage is essential to reduce the release of compounds that adversely affect the shelf life and freshness of products in our refrigerator. By storing food in an appropriate way we can minimize the problem of throwing away food. What are the most common mistakes we make in...
Autumn-winter period is the time when we are most often confronted with numerous diseases and infections. We are often not prepared for many of them. Then we need specialist products, which are sometimes missing in our home pharmacy or even in nearby pharmacies. Then it is worth to prepare a...
The food we take with us to work should give energy for the whole day of struggling with professional duties. It must be nutritious and provide an adequate supply of calories. We also hope that the second breakfast to work will be tasty and visually encourage to eat it. What counts next is the...
People have different culinary preferences - some love cooked things, others enjoy the most in grilled dishes, and still others may love fried dishes. However, the frying process itself is generally considered unhealthy - all the more so if the wrong type of fat is chosen, which will lead to...
If you want to positively surprise your body, reach for juices! Vegetable, fruity and compositions combining the qualities of both fruit and vegetables. Addition of wheat grass, germs or vegetable milk. Dense or thinner, colourful, with or without fruit particles. Juices are a whole palette...
There are dozens of types of coffee and coffee beverages on the market. As we become more aware of the impact of good nutrition on our wellbeing and health, we increasingly choose products that come from nature. That's why it's worth knowing what kind of coffee to choose in order to preserve...
Known for centuries of purges, he slowly returns to grace again and has a great chance to make green tea competition. It has a much greater strengthening effect on the body. It is also a much stronger antioxidant. Tea from purification is available in pharmacies, herbal shops or on the...
Gluten is the enemy of a slim figure - that's what many people say, unfortunately. Dietary diets based on elimination of this ingredient are very popular, especially on Internet forums. Unfortunately, as it turns out, the complete abandonment of gluten can result in problems. - Gluten is...
93% of Poles eat breakfast regularly - according to the study "Humour changes from eating" prepared by the ARC Research Institute Market and Opinion. Increasingly, these are healthy, nutritious meals. As consumers do not like boredom, they are looking for new flavours and connections. This is...
Cured meat, bread, vegetables, fruits, yoghurts, meat, milk and many other products are put in the basket every day. Nearly 1/3 of Poles admit that they sometimes throw away food. This is data from the latest report "Don't waste food 2016" prepared by the Federation of Polish Food Banks. -...
You can eat and eat, but don't stick to it? Even lose a few centimeters in the belt. How is it possible? This is one of the assumptions of a negative calorie diet. They eat products that contribute to the negative energy balance, mainly fruit and vegetables. Does it not only affect the...
A momentary drop in form, lack of motivation - this is a crisis. Crisis in the process of weight loss meets every person trying to fight overweight and trying to get a slim and shapely silhouette. The weight loss process is tedious and lengthy. It is also often associated with changing eating...
Testosterone levels have a huge impact on the human body, especially on the male body. It is thanks to it that masculine muscles and bone mass are formed. It is thanks to it that the fatty tissue decomposes and the timbre of voice becomes low. So how to increase testosterone levels using a...
A big bucket of ice cream, a blanket and a favorite movie is the most common solution that we choose when we are sad or stressed. Unfortunately, this is not good for our weight and our health. Why do we reach for sweets in times of crisis? - In stressful situations we usually reach for...