Testosterone levels have a huge impact on the human body, especially on the male body. It is thanks to it that masculine muscles and bone mass are formed. It is thanks to it that the fatty tissue decomposes and the timbre of voice becomes low. So how to increase testosterone levels using a diet?
However, as it happens in life, there is nothing for free. Thanks to the high level of testosterone, bones absorb calcium much better, which is why men practically never suffer from osteoporosis (there are individual cases). Men also experience anaemia much less often than women. This is also thanks to testosterone, which promotes the formation of red blood cells by the marrow.
Although this hormone provides a masculine appearance, silhouette and strength, unfortunately, due to it the male body's resistance to all kinds of infections, depressions and even cancer decreases. Their body cannot keep up with the production of so-called antibodies, so there is no exaggeration with increasing testosterone levels. It can simply be maintained at a high level, but not crossing a safe border. It is therefore worth examining it regularly.
An appropriate diet is the best and most natural way to increase testosterone levels. It should contain monounsaturated fatty acids and the best source is avocado, butter and olive oil, which is ideal as a base for dressing for many salads.
Seafood, milk and eggs should be included in the menu. These are products that are rich in vitamin D. Although it has not been fully confirmed that this vitamin has an effect on the increase in testosterone levels, it is worth eating these products even because of their other properties.
In order for the hormone we are discussing to remain at a good level, you need to provide your body with appropriate doses of zinc and magnesium. Both of these microelements can be found in spinach, nuts and pumpkin seeds. Fans of the latter should definitely abandon all unhealthy "teethers" and put a bowl of pumpkin seeds on the table instead of chips or popcorn.
Any, even a single dose of sugar lowers testosterone levels. Sugar should therefore be omitted from the diet. You should give up fresh drinks - coca cola or fanta should be replaced with good mineral water. Cakes, bars and candies should be turned into healthy snacks, such as dried fruit, nuts or the pumpkin seeds mentioned above.
A healthy lifestyle contributes to a healthy, "good" testosterone level. So take care of proper relaxation and proper length of sleep. A healthy adult should sleep 7 or even 9 hours a day, because then his body has a chance to regenerate after the hardships of the previous day. Another important factor is the reduction of stress, which always has a destructive effect on the body and often deprives it of the willingness to act in any way.