In order for the whole system of systems in the body to function properly, it must be supplied with an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals. One of the most important is vitamin D3, which in autumn and winter replaces the natural way to obtain it from the sun. Its deficiency can be...
Sugar, sugar everywhere - you can think when you're in the shop and browse the labels of different products. The fact that it is too much, so it is not surprising that we reflexly refuse to consume this ingredient even more. How? The easiest way to avoid it, but is it really? Is it so easy?...
The beginning of autumn is associated with an increase in the number of cases of respiratory tract infections and influenza. Poles more and more often try to avoid them by taking various supplements strengthening the body's immunity. Here are 5 over-the-counter products that improve...
Unfortunately, cannabis is still associated primarily with drugs produced from cannabis. However, it is worth knowing that in addition to the active substance THC, which actually has intoxicating properties, there is also CBD in cannabis, an active substance without psychoactive activity...
Do you know someone who has never been cold? The answer to 99.9% is 'no'. Though none of us is striving for it, each of us knows it. Rhinitis, cough, malaise, fever, conjunctivitis or sore throat are symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections or, more simply, a cold. In order to win...
Herbal medicine, i.e. also phytotherapy or phytopharmacology is a branch of medicine and pharmacology, which deals with the production of medicines and medicinal products made of medicinal plants. They are used in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases. Many people consider herbal...
Experts from PharmaExpert estimate that the value of drug sales for the pharmaceutical market only at the end of 2015 will amount to nearly PLN 30.3 billion. It will be 6.3% more than in the analogous period of 2014. As drug sales increase, advertising expenditure also increases. Only in the...
Pain in joints, bones and muscles is very often the first signal of inflammatory conditions developing in the body. They may also be a symptom of diseases such as rheumatism or osteoporosis. Effective control of these discomfort-causing ailments is possible thanks to the use of analgesics...
Shorter and rainy days, cooler temperatures, constant grays outside the window and the thought that the end of the year is approaching and we still haven't fulfilled all our New Year's resolutions - these are the most common reasons for feeling at ease during the autumn-winter solstice period...
The spending of Poles on products sold in pharmacies without a prescription is growing. Sales of these products do not increase significantly in volume, but their average price is increasing. Many new products are also entering the market, which is accompanied by intensive promotional campaigns...
The Ministry of Health intensifies work on drug policy. Preparation of assumptions for the document is to be taken care of by a team appointed for this purpose. According to the experts, their primary objective should be to ensure the availability of effective medicines by reimbursing them and...
Currently, the most effective method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is the contraceptive pill. This form of contraception is comfortable to use and if taken regularly and at fixed times, the chance of pregnancy is minimal. Importantly, women who use this contraception are just as...
One of the many symptoms of arthritis is pain. It appears most often when the joint is moved and subsides at rest. As the patient complains of more and more pain as the disease develops, it is necessary to use analgesics. What are they currently used? Arthritis - a disease that affects...
In 3-4 decades, Poles will be the second or third oldest society in the EU. This means a steep increase in the costs of medical care, which in the case of people under 65 is estimated at an average of PLN 1.2 thousand per year, and above that age - at PLN 3.5 thousand. In addition, Poland lacks...
Pharmacy networks constitute one third of the Polish market. Statistically, network outlets have lower drug prices, which translates into a higher number of customers and higher revenues. However, individual pharmacies are increasingly able to cope with competition from networks - under...
Contrary to concerns, the Reimbursement Act has not led to a reduction in the number of pharmacies. There are more and more chain pharmacies on the market and they will do better and better. Individual pharmacies, especially those that are less well run, may have increasing problems, as margins...
The Ministry of Health is completing work on the draft law on reimbursed medical devices. It is announced that it will introduce a reimbursement system modelled on that for medicines. The POLMED Chamber of Manufacturers is against this and argues that these are different categories of products...
Elderly people will not pay anything for medicines - such changes are introduced by the list of free medicines for seniors, which came into force at the beginning of September. Persons over 75 years of age are entitled to free medication. There are more than a thousand medicines on the list...
Poland is the only country in the European Union that does not reimburse incremental drugs. The monthly cost of therapy with new-generation drugs may reach even several hundred zlotys, so patients rarely agree to such treatment. - According to the World Health Federation, the number of...
Aspirin is a common name for acetylsalicylic acid, which is a popular ingredient of analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Despite the wide use of aspirin in medicine, its use is not safe for everyone. This applies especially to children and pregnant women. The use of...
The coming years may be quite a difficult time for manufacturers, who are obliged to supply the packaging of their medicinal products with further safety features. The aim of such actions is to limit the possibility of falsification in order to ensure unique codes or serialization. In...
Worldwide demand for medicines is increasing. The largest demand is generated by rich countries with a high level of health care, but the growth rate is also higher in emerging markets such as India, China, Indonesia and Brazil. According to IMS Health, in the coming years the market will grow...