• January 22, 2025

Which pharmacy to choose?

Contrary to concerns, the Reimbursement Act has not led to a reduction in the number of pharmacies. There are more and more chain pharmacies on the market and they will do better and better. Individual pharmacies, especially those that are less well run, may have increasing problems, as margins are very low due to high competition.

- We have 14.2 thousand pharmacies in Poland, and their number is constantly growing, mainly the number of chain pharmacies is increasing - explains Jarosław Frąckowiak, President of PharmaExpert, in an interview with an information agency Newseria Biznes. - It was expected that the introduction of the reimbursement law would reduce the number of pharmacies. Many pharmacies have disappeared from the market, but the success of a pharmacy depends primarily on its location. Most of the good ones have opened new pharmacies.

As Frąckowiak emphasizes, chain pharmacies are doing best. Their market share is increasing. Already 4,000 pharmacies, i.e. almost 30% of all pharmacies, belong to a network of at least 5 establishments. In terms of sales value, the networks have an even greater share, reaching 40-50%.

President PharmaExpert emphasizes that thanks to better management and economies of scale, pharmacy networks are in a much better financial situation. For them, the opening of a new facility generates lower costs, as well as the purchase of goods in a warehouse, where they can count on larger discounts. As a result, the networks win the competition with individual pharmacies. Differences between network pharmacies and single pharmacies will increase in terms of both number and financial performance.

- Certainly, the number of pharmacies will grow. There is also likely to be a growing disparity in terms of profitability between pharmacies that are better able to cope with the new situation, mainly chain pharmacies and good individual pharmacies - and there are many of them too - and those that are having problems today. Unfortunately, these problems may get worse," says Frąckowiak.

Pharmaceutical market

He adds that cosmetics and supplements are becoming more and more attractive sources of income for pharmacies. Due to fierce competition and the Reimbursement Act, turnover and margins on prescription drugs are growing very slowly and are still low. For cosmetics and supplements, margins can be up to twice as high as for reimbursed medicines.

- Pharmacies bet on this type of products. You can see how they change, especially the network ones. There are more and more areas where the consumer can choose this type of products himself. Pharmacies understand that these are products that are the future for them in terms of building profits, profitability and profitability of the pharmacy - emphasizes Frąckowiak.

points out that the second important factor determining the success of pharmacies is their location. It also has an impact on the product range. While medicines still dominate in hospital pharmacies, in shopping centres and busy streets pharmacies increasingly rely on products that support well-being, appearance and immunity.
