Currently, the most effective method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is the contraceptive pill. This form of contraception is comfortable to use and if taken regularly and at fixed times, the chance of pregnancy is minimal. Importantly, women who use this contraception are just as fertile after weaning as they were before they started using it. In addition, the tablets reduce menstrual bleeding and ailments that are associated with premenstrual syndrome.
As far as contraceptive pills are concerned, we distinguish between a single-component pill and a two-component pill.
This pill contains only one type of hormone - progestogen, which makes it possible to take it during breastfeeding. This tablet is designed to increase the density of cervical mucus and, as a result, hinder the migration of sperm to the egg cell.
In order for this method to be effective, the pill should be taken at a fixed time. If the delay is longer than 3 hours, the risk of becoming pregnant increases.
The tablet consists of two types of hormones - oestrogen and progestogen. The effectiveness of the tablet is greater if taken regularly at a fixed time. If one or more tablets are missed, there is a higher probability of unwanted pregnancy.
Contraceptive pills have an effect on the whole body and may cause side effects. In order to maintain the natural balance of the body.
It is important to know that medications taken during illnesses or infections weaken the effect of contraceptive pills. This is because some medications taken during the disease cause the intensive elimination of hormones from the body.
Over the years, contraceptive pills have changed. They no longer contain as many hormones that caused more side effects. The most common side effects were water retention in the body, causing swelling and rapid weight gain. Nowadays, women who start using contraception are advised to use a low-dose contraception with a minimum of hormones, i.e. about 20 micrograms. The composition of the pill means that the hormone responsible for weight gain -leptin - does not increase in the woman's body. What is equally important, this pill not only effectively protects against pregnancy, but also has a beneficial effect on the whole body by reducing e.g. painful swelling of the breasts.
If you want to start using this form of contraception, you should consult a gynaecologist. It will take a cytology and check the correctness of arterial blood pressure. Blood tests - liver tests, clotting system parameters and cholesterol levels - are also worth doing. The gynaecologist will not prescribe the tablets to a person who suffered from diseases such as breast cancer or cardiovascular diseases in the family. After an interview with the patient about health problems, medications taken, etc., the doctor chooses the appropriate pill.