• March 7, 2025

Expiry date of food

Proper food storage is essential to reduce the release of compounds that adversely affect the shelf life and freshness of products in our refrigerator. By storing food in an appropriate way we can minimize the problem of throwing away food.

What are the most common mistakes we make in storing food? - We keep the bread in the fridge, there the bread is baked three times faster. We should not keep many fruits and vegetables together because some of them produce ethylene. Ethylene is a growth hormone, which causes other products to ripen very quickly, which makes them rotten and no longer suitable for consumption, says newsrm.tv Jan Kuron, the chef.

Many of the products we store need oxygen - Cured meats and cheeses should be stored in material, paper materials that ensure air circulation. All sliced products in particular require this, e.g. sliced cheese spoils twice as fast as cheese in the block, emphasizes Jan Kuron.

Freshness of food products

What is interesting, we are often afraid to eat products that are already overdue. - If it is written best to consume to, there is a gap that leaves the manufacturer to himself that best, but we do not necessarily have to do so. If we know that e.g. rice which lost its expiry date was stored in an appropriate way, i.e. without access to pests and moisture, I could consume such rice with a clear conscience, explains Jan Kuron. It should be remembered, of course, that we are talking about a short expiration date, e.g. a month. Jan Kuroń also advises to use the benefits of the Internet in order to search for ways to store food, of which there are many, because there are many products.
