• March 7, 2025

preventive examinations

Fatigue, weakness, reduced mood, nervousness, weight loss or overweight are common non-specific symptoms that we underestimate when explaining our workload or stress. We wait until they have passed by themselves or we save ourselves by brewing the fifth coffee during the day. Preventive examinations help us to monitor the state of our health. It is worth to use them in order to catch dangerous lesions in our bodies before the symptoms appear.

Fast diagnosis and appropriate treatment can save our health and even our lives. Doctors recommend that you perform a blood count once a year, check your sugar levels or have a urine test. Women at the beginning of life or at the age of 25 should go to a gynaecologist and perform cytology once a year. This is a test to detect cervical cancer and the early changes associated with it. Among the imaging examinations the abdominal ultrasound is important and useful.

What do we need to know about the preparation for the above mentioned research?

Blood test

Blood tests are carried out on an empty stomach after a well slept night. It is important that the day before blood collection, do not exercise intensively and avoid drinking large amounts of alcohol. We also do not change our diet before checking blood sugar levels. The supply of carbohydrates the day before should be the same as usual in order not to falsify the result.


Urine analysis is performed to check the condition of the urinary system and other organs. Sterile urine container can be purchased at any pharmacy. Before taking the sample, we should carefully wash the perineum and genitourinary organs in order to reduce the number of bacteria living in these areas. We use a disposable towel to dry the skin. Do not touch the inner surface of the urine container. Remember that the initial stream of urine contains the most contaminants, so we should pass urine from the so-called "middle stream" for testing. The sample should be delivered to the laboratory within a maximum of 2 hours. If we can't do this, store the urine container at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity allows to visualize organs in a non-invasive and painless way. It can detect abdominal aortic aneurysm, cholelithiasis, gallstones, kidney stones and many neoplastic lesions in the early stages not yet showing any symptoms. We must also prepare ourselves for this study. The day before the visit to the ultrasound laboratory, one should follow an easily digestible diet and take the following measures symmetrical capsules (3 times two times, e.g. in the morning, afternoon, and evening). On the day of the test it is also recommended to swallow 2 capsules (on an empty stomach). The preparation will help to remove flatulence, i.e. air bubbles formed in the intestines during digestion, which are an obstacle for ultrasounds and blur the image. Another condition is the filling of the bladder, which makes it possible to visualize the reproductive organs of a woman and the prostate gland in a man. For this purpose, 2 hours before the examination we should drink 1 to 4 glasses of still water and no longer empty the bladder until the examination. Remember that the volume of water needed to fill the bladder is an individual matter. Therefore, we do not apply strict rules on the specific amount of water needed to drink, so as not to lead to maximum bladder filling.

Cervical Cervical Cervical Cervical Cervical Examinations

For cytological examination of the cervix You should report after your period. 2 days prior to taking swabs it is not recommended to live together and to use drugs or vaginal preparations. The result of the test may not be reliable if the material is collected from a woman with an infection of the reproductive tract.
