To function properly, the human body needs an appropriate portion of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Many of them are able to produce by themselves, but not always in large enough quantities. Some of them are only supplied with food and in the form of appropriate supplements. One of the most important is magnesium, with which more and more people are struggling.
Weakening of the whole organism
In order to see the effects of magnesium deficiency, it is necessary to know its role in the human body. First of all, it participates in the synthesis of DNA and magnesium compounds. In addition, it supports the functioning of the nervous system, inhibiting the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Magnesium has a calming effect on the human body and can prevent, among other things, the occurrence and development of depression. Its deficiency is a frequent cause of myocardial ischemia, as well as cardiac arrhythmias.
With this knowledge, we can see very quickly that our body requires a larger portion of magnesium. This is especially the case when it is susceptible to infections, we have problems with concentration, often accompanied by headaches and dizziness, nails and hair become weaker and sudden heartbeat attacks occur. This is a signal that your body has too little magnesium to be able to fully take care of your health.
I suffer from magnesium deficiency because....
It is also worth considering what is the cause of magnesium deficiency. There are many factors that influence this state. More and more fertilisers are being used which deprive the soil of its valuable nutrients and minerals, including magnesium. In addition, the water has too low a level of magnesium, and it is considered to be one of its sources. Also some drugs make the body leachate and thus the demand for it is much higher.
In such situations, magnesium supplementation is recommended. There are many means that can supply it in the right amount.