The dry cough touched each of them at least once. So we know the uncomfortable scratching and the constant need for coughing. However, coughing is not always a symptom of a common cold. In extreme cases, it may herald heart disease or cancer, for example. It is also a frequent affliction of allergy sufferers and people suffering from cardiovascular problems. Regardless of the reason, the reaction must be quick and the effect must be effective.
So how to cure dry cough?
In mild cases of the course of the disease we can help ourselves with homemade coughing methods, which have been passed on for generations. One of them is beet-based juice, for example, which effectively cleans the respiratory tract and eliminates the problem of expectoration. In addition, it is a source of many vitamins that increase the body's immunity, reducing the risk of infection. Linseed will also work perfectly well, whose power will fight not only cough but also sore throat, improving the humidity of the mucous membrane. You can also prepare your own onion-based syrup.
Just cut the onion, sprinkle it with sugar, wait until the juice is released, and then take it 2-3 times a day with one teaspoonful each. Such a specificity should also be taken before falling asleep, as the symptoms of the disease intensify during sleep. It is therefore worth having syrup, honey or raspberry juice near the bed. Such products may turn out to be a rescue during a night cough attack and it is worth having them at hand. It is also important to drink a lot, which will also help the secretion to break away and moisturize the throat. It is also necessary to take care of proper air humidification, here humidifiers or containers with water, standing next to a radiator, will work very well.
You can also add to them a mixture of herbs such as eucalyptus, sage or thyme, which will also have an inhalation function, thanks to which the symptoms of scratching in the throat will be significantly alleviated. It should be remembered that home remedies only alleviate the symptoms of the disease and not cure its causes.