Very often we can hear the question of how the relationship between veganism and health is presented. Experts often remind us that we eat too few vegetables, but how our body will react to a diet consisting only of plants. Is veganism healthy, and if so, how to draw up an action plan when they want to put such a diet into practice.
It is hardly surprising to ask about the possible negative consequences that we could take into account when deciding on a vegan diet. This is, after all, a diet that provides for an opt-out from animal products, milk products and even eggs and honey. The vegan menu should not be overly complicated if it is based on fruit, vegetables, cereals, nuts, seeds and pods. Of course, veganism in a broader perspective is not only about food. It is a lifestyle that is often chosen primarily for ethical reasons. It also includes cosmetics, clothing and entertainment. However, a diet is the basis for him, so if he is to be healthy, it is best to rely on plant products that are not processed.
The American Dietetic Association is of the opinion that if vegan diets are properly planned, you can be sure that they will be healthy. It turns out that with this approach, these diets can be helpful when there is a need to cure certain diseases. Interestingly, there are no stages of life where vegetarian diets are dangerous. They can be used by children, adolescents, pregnant women and even professional athletes. Those societies in the world that have been living the longest for generations are based not on meat, but on plant products. The presence of animal products in the diet is increasingly associated with diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity, dementia and even many types of cancer. So if we rely on wholesome plant products, we can not only prevent these diseases, but even reverse some of them. This is the case, for example, with heart disease, even if it is already at an advanced stage.
Of course, even this research is not able to dispel all doubts. The most common issue is whether vegans can provide certain ingredients to the body, since it is known that it is in products of animal origin that these ingredients are most abundant. Protein is most often the object of interest of the questioners, so it is worth remembering that when we talk about it, we often base it on wrong assumptions. It is quite common belief that there is never too much protein in our diet. Unfortunately, if we eat it more than we need, we unconsciously condemn ourselves to a number of chronic diseases. So if your diet provides the right amount of calories, you can be sure that it will also provide as much protein as your body needs. It is not necessary to combine different sources of amino acids in one meal in order to obtain all the amino acids necessary for the body.