• January 22, 2025

Physical activity

Research based on positive psychology clearly indicates that our level of happiness depends 50% on genes (everyone has an "innate" level of happiness), 10% on external circumstances and 40% on our intentional thoughts and behaviours. Although we can't change genes and external circumstances, but we have 100% influence on our own thoughts and actions. Runners are people who more or less consciously build their happiness.

According to the latest research conducted in 2015 by the research agency PBS, commissioned by PKO Bank Polski, 84% of people start running to take care of themselves, and 36% to change something in their lives. So they are people who take the first step to change something in their lives that doesn't work. They start with running.

Regular running is a certain approach to life - the results of the survey "Running habits in Poland" show that for 83% it is a year-round sport, often independent of the weather. While running we sometimes turn over, sometimes our muscles hurt, sometimes it rains or it is cold - but we still run. And this way of thinking translates into other areas of life - when we set ourselves a goal, for example, to build a happy relationship, we also take into account that somewhere along the way there may be difficulties, I can turn around metaphorically, make a mistake. It is crucial to get up and build this relationship further. And runners understand it subconsciously.

Nourishing relationships and being part of a group is the basis for a happy life. It is in relations with others that we most often experience positive emotions - we laugh, we inspire, even difficult moments are easier when we experience them in the presence of our loved ones and friends. Running makes it possible to meet new people with similar interests on different occasions, to move in the same environment - ideal conditions for building friendships.

Practice of sport

Equally importantly, we are becoming part of a larger community of "healthy ideas". We often observe on Facebook that people who are involved in sport - and have not published much content before - start sharing their laughing sports photos in a group from a certain point in time. You can see that their lifestyle is changing a lot - to richer, more colorful, more joyful.

And it's not about running with somebody every time. The results of the study "Running habits in Poland" show that 51% of people run solo and 49% with a colleague, partner or pet. There is also no need to participate in mass runs at once - 33% of the runners take part in them. Interestingly, the longer someone runs, the more often they engage in mass running, 34% in order to feel the "special atmosphere".

From the results of research and observations it is clear that running simply opens many new doors - we are slowly becoming convinced not only to run with somebody or to mass runs, but also we see the need to practise more sports. It becomes a lifestyle - healthier, closer to people and closer to one's own body. Guided by this principle, it is enough to start "being". If you don't want to run right away, you can start coming as a supporter to sports events.
