Traces of secretions on underwear are usually not surprising for us and do not prove anything bad. Depending on the phase of the cycle, its amount, colour and consistency change. When does the secretion signalize the infection and what are the symptoms that annoy us? How to identify the potential source of the problem and what to do to eliminate it?
The secretion of a healthy woman is clear or slightly white and odourless. We should be disturbed by its lumpy, cheesy texture - this is the most common symptom of fungal vaginal infection. The likelihood of mycosis is even higher if the discharge is accompanied by strong itching and burning and pain experienced during intercourse. Do not hesitate to visit a gynaecologist! An untreated candidate may lead to serious complications or become chronic. The greyish-white colour of the secretion should also arouse our vigilance, especially when its smell is unpleasant (referred to as fish). This secretion may be evidence of bacterial vaginal inflammation, which requires specialist treatment. We should also go to the doctor if the discharge is yellow-green, foamy, ugly fragrant - it may mean infection with protozoan, vaginal lilac.
Treatment of fungal vaginal infections usually lasts from 7 to 14 days. It is based on the use of vaginal globules or oral products. The treatment is complemented by probiotics (more information can be found at This preparation contains lactic acid sticks, which are responsible for the natural protective barrier of the vagina. It is important not to interrupt treatment before the end of treatment, even if the symptoms have subsided. The fungus likes to return and can become a chronic form. In the case of bacterial vaginal inflammation, antibiotics will have to be administered. We should not cure the inflammation on our own! The consequences can have devastating consequences - one of the complications of untreated inflammation can be pelvic inflammation of the smaller pelvis and urethritis. In extreme cases, untreated vaginose can cause infertility!
In order to protect yourself from infections, you should take appropriate care of yourself and take care of healthy habits. Gentle, gentle agents for intimate hygiene as well as over-the-counter preparations regulating the bacterial environment of the vagina should be used. When choosing care products, we should make sure that they have a positive opinion of the Polish Gynaecological Society. Infection is facilitated by prolonged, severe stress, poor diet, antibiotic therapy and oral contraception. Infection can occur in the pool or sauna, so if you are a frequent visitor to the sauna, you should use appropriate prophylaxis. Not without significance is also our diet - this one rich in simple sugars favours the development of candida mushrooms, therefore it is worth to avoid products containing them.
Many intimate infections can be asymptomatic, and sometimes vaginal discharge will be the only sign that something bad is happening in our body. That is why, when we observe their appearance, we should definitely go to a gynaecologist. Timely applied therapy will eliminate symptoms, prevent the development of the disease and protect us from complications.