• January 22, 2025


Poles belong to the longest working societies. In the OECD ranking Poland ranks 7th out of 38 countries, only Koreans overtake us. We definitely know how to work - but do we also know how to rest?

Our daily traffic, our needed traffic

According to specialists, a person working behind a desk should practice sport for at least one hour a day - this movement may consist of a longer walk with a dog, morning stretching gymnastics and evening strengthening exercises. In this way, we prevent back pain and health problems in sedentary work. Not without significance is also the fact that working behind a desk makes it much easier to gain extra pounds, and movement allows us to burn unnecessary calories.

If you work physically, don't think you can let go of sport. Traffic at work unfortunately has little to do with gymnastics, because the hurry and thinking about the multitude of duties makes you focus on the next steps without thinking about lifting weights or squatting properly. You don't work with muscle strength, you don't focus on engaging other parts of the body in a given activity, and as a result you don't develop them.

Brain training - is it necessary?

Many white-collar workers feel that their work has been so strenuous that they no longer need further intellectual challenges. Meanwhile, such thinking is very wrong - we simply have to reach for a different kind of brain activity. So what do we offer for different professions?

  • People whose work requires a lot of stress will find their place in creative activities. We especially recommend the recently fashionable colouring books for adults, which really soothe their nerves effectively.

  • Outdoor activities are good for corporate employees - an air-conditioned office with its competitive and nervous atmosphere needs soothing in the bosom of nature. Let's remember that looking at green is also one of the best ways to relax for our eyes, tired of looking at a computer monitor for many hours.

  • Physical workers should reach for crosswords, puzzles or sudoku. We also recommend reading developing books or learning languages - with the feeling that we are growing, we will avoid the frustration that sometimes accompanies people who work hard physically.

Relaxation you should be able to afford

It is also often the case that we do not have the strength or willingness to exercise or mental effort. This is completely natural and we should not reproach ourselves for it. In addition to work, most of us have children and home on our heads, which are also the source of many responsibilities. Then you should think about yourself and have a good time with a beautician, a reflexology treatment or a swimming pool with Jacuzzi and sauna. One of the ideas for effective relaxation is also head massage.

If you can't afford any additional expenses, we offer a homemade spa: let's prepare a warm, aromatic bath, preferably with salt from Kłodawa or another, relaxing tense muscles. We can also ask your partner or children for a foot or shoulder massage, it also pleasantly relaxes and relaxes.
