There is no universal smoking cessation method that works for everyone. However, there are a few rules that should be applied if we want to part with the proverbial "balloon".
Why do I want to quit smoking? Visualize your goal
With all your will you want to throw cigarettes, and yet you are still returning to a disastrous habit? Don't wait for life revolutions, act here and now. It can help you to specify the goal you want to achieve. But let this not be an enigmatic "better health". Count how much money you will save every year by parting with a cigarette and think about what you will do with these measures. Read the scientific publications on the harmfulness of smoking and try to understand how much toxins you have inhaled so far. Imagine how proud you will be of yourself when you achieve your goal.
Clean up the environment and engage your loved ones
Determine whether you only reduce the dose of nicotine or give it up once and for all. The best way to combine these two strategies is to avoid the shock of sudden withdrawal of an addictive substance. Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked for a few weeks, so that in the "zero hour" it is less than half of the current pool. And only then set a day when you will give up smoking definitively.
Get rid of all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters and matches (or leave one box for lighting candles). Remove everything you associate with cigarettes from your environment. And be sure to tell your family members and friends at work about your intentions. Remember that a decision that you communicate with the environment is much harder to break.
Prepare an iron set to relieve nicotine hunger
There are products that will help you to conquer nicotine hunger. But you need to have them at hand even before you smoke the last cigarette, because at the moment of the detox you will not be looking for them in the shops. Buy sugar-free chewing gum and carry a pack of healthy snacks such as pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries in your pocket. Reach for them when you feel like pulling yourself with a balloon. Wear a small item that you can turn in your fingers during stressful situations - a pendant or an anti-stress ball. Use natural preparations that suppress nicotine hunger and make it easier to quit smoking.
Quitting smoking is a tedious process, but worth the effort. Even if you have failed several times, don't give up, because it's never too late to give up on cigarettes.