• March 7, 2025

drugstore shopping

If we examine our conscience, it will come out to us that in drugstores we really buy a lot of different products, not necessarily always necessary in our home. Counting the amount of money left there can be shocking, especially when we realise that we overpay too much and that many others have simply proved to be unnecessary. We spend a lot of money on beauty, but fortunately we can spend a little less. How to do it? Let us convince ourselves.

Fall in love with promotions, keep track of advertising newspapers

We have had an ambivalent attitude to all kinds of promotions for some time now, because they are sometimes deceptive, but it is worth paying attention to them. It is supposed to be cheaper, but it is not. Not every promotion is of course a trap, so if there is a promotion for a decent toothpaste and you can buy it halfway cheaper, it's definitely worth it. After all, you don't waste time in the bathroom. You can do the same with many other products, which can lie long, and interesting are also offers of the 2in1 type or free offers.

Innovations in the industry

In the world of cosmetics, novelties do not have a tax on novelties. On the contrary, because many new products are promoted by retailers and are therefore cheaper. The cream, which will soon cost 50 zlotys, can now cost only 30 zlotys and although we buy a cat in a bag, it is usually a successful investment.

Loyalty program - relief for the portfolio

Shopping in one place can often pay off for us thanks to various loyalty programs and, for example, loyalty cards. Larger networks usually offer very attractive discount systems. Just making a card will not cost us anything and there is no obligation to use such cards. Nevertheless, it is an opportunity to reduce our costs. You will always be able to save a few zlotys.

Quality does not always go hand in hand with high price

More expensive does not mean better. In the case of cosmetics, you usually pay much more for the brand than for their real composition. Sometimes it happens that the cream for 20-30 zlotys differs from the cream for 200 zlotys only for the manufacturer's brand, because the composition is practically the same. It is always worth comparing the composition and not to worry about which of the creams has a "unique" recipe, and which is a "French hit". Even if one expensive mascara is a bit better, is it not worth buying a whole set of almost equally good mascara for the same money?

Rarely use - don't spend a fortune!

How often do we paint our nails pink? Once a year? In such a situation it should be obvious that spending 90 zlotys on an excellent lacquer makes more sense to me and the one for 15 zlotys is enough. Our nails will not fall off from it, but it will look just as good. Varnishes dry out and we simply waste most of the cosmetic. The same applies to many other things, such as eye shadows or lipsticks. If we use these colours very rarely, it is definitely a better idea to buy cheaper products.

Become friends with replacements

Large drugstores and supermarkets have their own cosmetics brands. Their packaging is usually unattractive, but their cost is excellent. Most importantly, we are not compromising on quality at all. Many of these unbranded products can be half the price, although they will be much better than their more expensive counterparts because they are produced by the same companies. Often a weaker smell of shampoo or less shower gel foam will be positive for our health, because in such cosmetics there are fewer, in principle, unnecessary and dangerous substances.

Home laboratory, i.e. do it yourself

Many products are available in the form of ingredients for preparation. For example, you can buy a mask that has yet to be made at home. It will be clearly cheaper than a mask ready to be applied to the face. For the price of one ready-made mask you can sometimes have 6-10 masks to crush.

More = cheaper

Making larger purchases in online shops is usually a very good idea, because in such shops it is cheaper, but there are always shipping costs, which can eat our savings. Larger purchases spread the cost of transport over many products.

Packaging XXL

Some products always need a lot, for example liquid soap. Buying larger, economical packaging will mean pure profit.

Up to the last drop

Cosmetics have a limited expiration date and we do not always take the whole cosmetic out of its packaging. Both of these situations result in wasting cosmetics and thus money.

Testers and samples

In shops for free or for a penny you can get small samples of cosmetics. We will not consume the samples, but using them will allow us to check the cosmetic before buying more of it.
