• March 7, 2025

Cannabis oil

Every year, oil and hard coal reserves are shrinking, which means that the eyes of the whole world are strongly focused on searching for various alternative sources. Rising pollution, environmental degradation, smog and the greenhouse effect are raising more and more questions about what the future will look like. Ordinary people forced to use traditional energy sources are beginning to wonder how to deal with rising fuel prices. Rescue as it seems may be in the innovative solutions and among them the extraction of fuel from cannabis.

More than 100 years have passed since the German designer Rudolf Diesel changed industry. Today his invention is an everyday occurrence and cannabis can be one of the possible ecological raw materials for obtaining fuel. Why cannabis? The numbers speak for themselves here. One tonne of seed is about 350 litres of oil. To obtain biofuel you only need three elements - plant oil, methyl or ethyl alcohol and a catalyst. It's all available on the market and quite legal.

The advantage of cannabis over oil is simple. Firstly, it will be naturally biodegradable and, secondly, it will not release harmful substances into the environment like oil. Obtaining it does not have a destructive effect on the ecosystem and therefore it will also work very well.

Cannabis fuel - advantages

We already know why cannabis fuel is a better choice than traditional energy sources such as oil. But what distinguishes them from other biofuels? The most important thing is that cannabis growing is more organic than the same kind of corn or soya growing. A single plant can produce twice as much oil as a rape plant. Cultivation uses about 50% less water than we need for maize. As if that weren't enough, cannabis has a unique negative carbon balance. This means that during cultivation they absorb more of it than they release during combustion.

Biofuel from cannabis

But there's more to it than that. The soil on which they grow is in a better condition after harvest than it was before. Approximately 70% of the nutrients needed for cannabis in the development cycle are finally returned to the ground. First of all, cannabis is a universal plant, all parts can be reused in different ways.

However, the advantage of cannabis fuel lies not only in its environmental dimension. It is more effective than rapeseed or soybean oil because it has a lower combustion temperature and greater fluidity at the same temperature. This argument will certainly appeal to all motoring enthusiasts, not only to ecologists.

Cannabis with the fuel of the future?

In today's world you have to look for alternative and renewable energy sources. This makes it possible to protect the environment and further develop the industry. In Poland, it is legal to grow cannabis and produce fuel for own use. Each hectare of land you own allows you to produce about 100 litres of biofuel per year. The fuel obtained in this way can be used as a drive for agricultural machinery and other vehicles, but it can also be used to heat houses, greenhouses or production rooms. The possibilities are really different and therefore it is possible to use the individual solutions in such a way as to adapt them to one's needs. The possibilities offered by biofuel are really huge, so it is worth taking advantage of these opportunities and appreciating how the opportunities for ecology enthusiasts currently function.
