• January 22, 2025

Is it worth wearing a moustache?

They used to be worn by noblemen, later they became out of fashion, and now moustaches are experiencing their renaissance and even become a symbol of taking care of one's health. In November, men grow moustaches as part of the Movember action. Its aim is to build awareness that preventive examination of male intimate organs is the first step towards early detection of cancer, which can save lives.

- Prophylaxis and social awareness of the threat of prostate cancer play a very important role in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Unfortunately, there is not enough awareness. The problem results, among others, from men's reluctance to examine intimate organs - says newsrm.tv dr hab. n. med. Piotr Sosnowski, Medical Director for Imaging Diagnostics Affidea.

Movember was born in 2003 in Melbourne, Australia, and its name is a mixture of the words 'moustache' and 'November' in English ('moustache' and 'november'). That's why November is the month of Movember's international action. During these 30 days, men grow moustaches to draw attention to the prevention of male cancers in intimate areas. The name of the initiative aims to strengthen public awareness in the context of men's health problems, including prostate cancer and testicles.

- Movember is an international movement that aims to raise men's awareness of their health, especially the early detection of male cancers. The campaign has been successfully operating in Poland since 2014. Thanks to the support of many companies and individual Smokers, Movember Polska 2016 will be a unique, even on a European scale, campaign. Eager men will be able to take advantage of free tests all over the country, and thanks to Affidea's special commitment, campaign ambassadors will be able to show the possibilities offered by magnetic resonance imaging for cancer risks," says Jakub Kajdaniuk from Kapitan Światełko Foundation, which is the organiser of the Movember movement in Poland.

Advantages of moustache

Everyone is invited to take part in the annual Movember action, as its main objective is to strengthen public awareness of men's health problems, including prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Tumors of testicles and prostates are so-called silent killers. These diseases develop for a long time and are sometimes asymptomatic. Once this happens, it may be too late for treatment, which is why regular diagnostics is so important.

- Our experience shows that men do not have a habit of taking care of their health and as a rule women send their partners, fathers or sons to a doctor. That is why we want to raise awareness among men of the importance of cancer prevention. A lot depends on them. Convincing men to do cyclic screening tests in the process of early detection of cancer is currently the biggest challenge," says Joanna Borczak, Marketing Director at Affidea.

The Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging (mpMRI) of the prostate is a non-invasive, painless and completely safe test, as in most cases it does not even require the use of contrast. One of the main objectives of the prostate mpMRI study is to detect and locate lesions corresponding to prostate cancer. A multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) test can detect cancer of medium and high severity, as early as 0.5 cm3 (0.5 ml), depending on the location and nature of the tissue within and around the lesions found.
