• March 7, 2025

Restaurant menu

The showcase of a restaurant or other catering establishment is a menu card. Very often it is up to how the card has been arranged whether or not the place will be frequented by numerous guests. This card in combination with the chef's skills decides to a very large extent whether the restaurant will be profitable for its owners.

What should be the menu card?

First of all, the choice of dishes for the card should be considered very carefully. When choosing them, one should take into account both the character of the place and the skills of the chef. Do not enter into the menu dishes that the chef does not know. When creating a menu, you should consult them with your chef. He/she should take part in the creation of the menu on the same basis as the landlord. However, the chef should have the casting vote. When creating a menu, it is worth remembering that it should be short. A short card from the restaurant is a signal to guests that dishes are prepared from fresh products. In addition, guests can be sure that the dish is prepared after the order has been placed and not defrosted in the microwave oven. When creating a menu for a restaurant, its character must not be forgotten. Serving seafood in a roadside bar is unlikely to be a success. It is also worth remembering that not all customers visiting the restaurant have to be amateurs of meat dishes. The menu should also include a dish for vegetarians.

What rules apply to the construction of the card?

The design of the menu card is subject to certain rules. The cover must include the name of the restaurant; for this the name of the chef should be on the card. There must also be no spelling errors in the card. When choosing a font it is important to remember that it is very decorative and difficult to read. So it is better to choose a font with a simple but easy to read font. Of course, the card must be clean. Any change in the menu should also be reflected in the tab: it must be updated. In premium restaurants, in addition to the menu card, a separate wine card must also be created. The dish is placed in the card in order:
-cold snacks;
-hot snacks;
- The "chef recommends";
- soups;
- Fish dishes;
- meat dishes;
- poultry dishes;
- game dishes;
- vegetarian dishes;
- additions to main courses;
- desserts;
- cooling and hot drinks.

It is worth knowing that the names of classic dishes prepared according to the original recipes must be written in accordance with the original. The menu tab shows the prices next to the dishes. But in an exclusive restaurant some of the cards should be prepared without prices. It is worth remembering that.
