Acne does not only affect young people. This problem is faced by more and more people who have had their adolescence for a long time. Adult acne is a disease that should be treated. What to do and what to avoid in order not to exacerbate the problem?
- Taking care of acne skin is not an easy task. Such skin also needs anti-wrinkle care, it also needs care for the capillary complexion. It is generally sensitive skin. Acne treatment in adults is based on the cooperation of a cosmetologist, dermatologist, high education in terms of hormonal background and appropriate care also at home - says Julita Bonikowska, cosmetologist Provemed Aesthetic Medicine.
The skin renews itself every 29 days on average. This is why natural processes should be supported at home. The basics of care include complete cleansing of make-up, exfoliation and hydration. Moisturizing should not be forgotten even with acneous skin.
- When we have problems with eczemas very often it seems to us that we should use cosmetics that dry the skin. Then we create a crust on our face that prevents sebum from escaping and creates even greater problems - explains Elżbieta Gozdecka, director of Profemed Aesthetic Medicine.
The lifestyle we lead and the cosmetics we use are also important.