Stomach polyps in most cases do not cause any specific symptoms. However, this does not mean that they can be ignored. They are usually detected during the endoscopic examination, which is carried out as a result of a doctor's recommendation, with the suspicion of another disease. Polyps can be treated in several ways. Not infrequently also by removing them.
Polyps are thickened mucous membranes, which are formed by emphasizing it to the light of the stomach. Some types of cancer are a dangerous neoplasm change, which is why it is necessary to start treatment quickly. The key element of the diagnosis is gastroscopy, because it enables the collection of the cuttings for histopathological examination. Sometimes it is in this way that the entire exchange is removed. However, prior medical consultation is mandatory. It can be carried out in a specialist doctor's surgery.
There are many reasons for this change. They are headed by gastritis, which is usually associated with excessive use of alcohol or painkillers. Sometimes it may happen that gastric polyps are caused by bacteria or genetic conditions. The family polyposis syndrome is responsible for them. This is a very rare disease, which is often associated with mild bone cancer or thyroid cancer. There are three types of gastric polyps: hyperplastic polyps, adenomatous polyps and polyps of the stomach floor.
Unfortunately, gastric polyps in most cases do not give any clinical signs, so it is difficult to diagnose them. It does not happen that they cause severe abdominal pain, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding or heartburn. Stomach polyps may also imitate the symptoms characteristic of reflux disease. In addition, in some people they are associated with sudden weight loss and even malnutrition.
The most effective way to treat gastric polyps is simply to remove them. This can be done in two ways: endoscopically and surgically. The first one is chosen much more often. A flexible wire is then introduced into the stomach, the main task of which is to capture the polyp and transmit the current to it. The polyp is thus cut off from the mucous membrane. However, this kind of treatment may be associated with some complications.
Stomach polyps are relatively common in different patients and may be associated with cancer, so they need to be removed as soon as possible. This is usually possible without major problems or contraindications. However, a proper diagnosis is necessary, which only shows that it is necessary to have regular examinations.