• March 7, 2025


Muscle mass depends mainly on a well-balanced diet and training tailored to the individual's purpose. Being on the so-called "mass" requires consuming more calories than the body needs normally. Additional calories can be absorbed in the form of larger portions of conventional food, or specially designed nutrients per mass.

Mass in gear

A continuous running lifestyle is not conducive to the regular preparation of meals of a certain calorific value. If we attend trainings immediately after work, i.e. we train in the afternoons or evenings, it is difficult to prepare and eat a meal for a well-balanced training meal. In such situations, a gainer, a dietary supplement that will supplement the deficiency of macroelements of our diet, may be helpful. After a hard workout, during which we fight for muscle mass gain, it is essential to supplement carbohydrates and proteins, which support glycogen regeneration and reconstruction. The gainer mass conditioners help to satisfy this first need after workout, thanks to the carbohydrate/protein mixture. Therefore, in some cases it can be used as a meal when the macro of a given day does not conform to the standards of other days. This product as a dietary supplement contains fats. In view of this, it is worth paying attention to the nutrients we reach for are checked and from a higher shelf. Such products will not cause body fatigue, but gain muscle mass.

For whom to recommend

Protein conditioners and other mass supplements are recommended especially for people with a frail structure, especially for ectomorphic people who have a harder weight gain. In this case, however, be careful not to overflow with fat and water through the wrong dosage. Activlab gainer Mass Up, for example, is a highly effective mass supplement for people who want to build muscle mass. Its high calorific value and good composition (whey protein concentrate with complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates with creatine, taurine) makes it suitable for athletes, not only for strength training. Mass supplements are often used by people who have a normal body structure, but want to replace a meal with such supplements. A well-balanced diet is time-consuming and expensive. If you complain about the lack of both, drinking a protein cocktail is perfect. Do you supplement creatine, do you want it to be absorbed better? Combining these two supplements will allow you to achieve even better results through greater absorption of creatine.

What is a gainer and what is it characterized by?

Products of this type increase muscle mass thanks to a combination of protein and carbohydrates. Among the wide range of products of this type, the main difference can be seen in the proportions of the main ingredients: proteins and carbohydrates. Those who are most reluctant to gain weight can choose a product with less protein, but with more sugars in its composition - this is related to the correct energy balance, which can be upset at the initial stage of mass building. The products also differ due to the different calorific composition of the portion. Due to the lack of a specific ingredient in your diet, you can look for a muscle mass supplement with fat, minerals, or look for something ideal for yourself.

Gainer as well as other nutrients available on the market should be adjusted to individual needs, type of activity and diet. Properly dosed can bring many benefits, positively influencing the figure and well-being.
