In the diet, strict dietary rules apply to malignant tumours. Do not eat raw meat such as tartar or sushi, fast food, fried, smoked or processed food. What should exclude and what should you include in your daily menu a person suffering from cancer and undergoing treatment?
The diet used during chemotherapy should, first of all, prevent malnutrition, supplement vitamin and mineral deficiencies and activate immunity.
A diet with acute leukemia should be rich in nutritious proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
The consumption of vegetables such as spinach, kale, avocado, pumpkin and lentils is particularly recommended during leukemia. It is also worth introducing onions, carrots, garlic, tomatoes and their preserves, as well as cabbage and Brussels sprouts to the diet. Vegetables are best cooked by steaming, as they lose the least amount of vitamins and minerals.
Among the fruits, apples, berries, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries and blackberries deserve special attention.
Although fruit and vegetables should be an integral part of a cancer-free diet, the body should also be provided with high quality proteins and fats. The latter are contained, among others, in olive oil, thistle, nigger, avocado, nuts and fatty fish.
Among the spices worth reaching for are curcuma and ginger, which has strong anti-cancer and antifungal properties. You should also drink large amounts of water.
As far as leukemia is concerned, the optimal diet is not only to provide the body with the right nutrients, but also to avoid a number of other, unfavourable for health.
Avoid spicy, fried, hard to digest, heavily salted, grilled and smoked products. Processed foods containing high levels of preservatives, emulsifiers and dyes, as well as sugar and glucose syrup, which is a nutrient for the growth of bacteria and fungi, should also be excluded. Excess alcohol, sweet drinks and ready-made confectionery do not contribute to health either, as many of them contain margarines rich in trans-fatty acids, which are harmful to health.