Sexual activity is not only about our relationship with a partner, but also allows us to determine whether we are healthy. The experts of the "Pressure for Life" campaign warn of sexual disorders in many cases, they can be an early sign of a developing heart disease or indicate problems in the functioning of the whole blood system.
- Several years before the onset of serious cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction, erectile dysfunction is very common in patients. It is very important not to underestimate it and not always explain it with stress - says Dr. Monika Łukasiewicz, sexologist, gynaecologist-obstetrician, Medical Clinic "nOvum", gynaecological and obstetrics department of the Bielański Hospital.
According to estimates of the Polish Urological Society, sexual dysfunctions affect nearly 4 million people. Especially atherosclerotic lesions can lead to erectile dysfunction in men and sexual abnormalities in women at an early stage.
- Cardiovascular system and sexual performance are "connected vessels". Sexual disorders in many cases can be an early sign of developing heart disease. This is a very important hint for those who have not had myocardial infarction yet, but are already complaining about erectile dysfunction - comments Prof. Dr. Artur Mamcarz, Head of the 3rd Clinic of Internal Diseases and Cardiology at the Medical University of Lublin, SOLEC Hospital.
Every year in Poland nearly 90 thousand people undergo heart attack. At such a dramatic end, millions of people in our country "work" for years, suffering from chronic diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease or diabetes related to them. These diseases, in addition to the progressive burden on the cardiovascular system, are also associated with a huge risk of sexual disorders.
Unfortunately, among many patients who are already undergoing treatment for diseases such as hypertension or atherosclerosis, there is also a stereotype that drug therapy is the cause of their problems in the intimate sphere. It is also often an excuse to raise, for many people, the most difficult issue concerning their sex life. Cardiological diseases, except in the most serious cases, are not a reason to give up sex, so any problems in this area should be discussed with your doctor. It may turn out that problems with erection, and in women reduced libido and orgasm, are the result of insufficient control accompanying a chronic disease or simply insufficient physical condition of the patient. Physical activity is an important factor that influences the quality of life and improves the condition of the cardiovascular system.
The vast majority of partners of patients after myocardial infarction are afraid to resume sexual activity. Often the subject of the sexual sphere in the face of an existing disease is "swept under the carpet" by both sides. The main fear of bodily closeness mentioned by patients and their halves is the fear of another infarction during sex. Physical effort during sexual intercourse is comparable to the effort of climbing the 2nd floor of the stairs. The myth is, therefore, that sex is associated with a high level of physical strain that endangers health.
- Cardiosexology also deals with the treatment of sexual dysfunctions in patients after myocardial infarction. Here we have developed a standard of therapeutic management, and among the drugs with documented efficacy are acetylsalicylic acid, statins and converting inhibitors. Less is said about treating sexual dysfunctions in this group, this situation in my opinion needs to be changed - adds prof. Mamcarz.
Improving the quality of life of people with cardiovascular diseases is increasingly being considered as an indicator of long-term treatment outcomes. One of the natural elements of a return to full activity is also sex life. - Mutual understanding, patience, closeness and tenderness can be a substitute for physical love during the convalescence of the patient. It should be remembered, however, that sex is an integral part of every adult's life, and in the long run, an unsatisfied sex drive of one or the other partner may become a source of mental tensions and declines in moods - says Dr. Monika Łukasiewicz, sexologist, gynaecologist-obstetrician, Medical Clinic "nOvum", gynaecological-obstetrics department of the Bielanski Hospital.
Among the reasons for the deterioration of the quality of sexual life are exactly the same, which in the long run determine the occurrence of heart attack or stroke: increased cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking, lack of movement. Experts stress that if we want to be able to lead a satisfactory sexual life, we must act preventively against cardiovascular diseases.