• January 22, 2025

manly complexion

Contrary to appearances, men, like women, can have a lot of problems with their skin. Oily skin requires appropriate care, cosmetics and treatments that will restore its fresh appearance. What to keep in mind?

The skin of men's face is thicker than that of women's face and has more sebaceous glands on it. On the one hand, this causes many problems, such as acne, visible blackheads and earthy yellow shade. It also has its advantages, which include greater resistance to external factors such as wind and low temperature, as well as a lower susceptibility to wrinkles. Although there are general rules for male skin care, oily skin owners should remember a few important things.

First of all, suitable cosmetics

Many men want to get rid of the layer of sebum from the epidermis and use cosmetics, which often dry the skin. As a result, this leads to a situation where the receptors on dehydrated skin give a signal to the glands to work more intensively, and the problem with oily skin only gets worse. Choosing the right cosmetics is therefore the basis of care. Facial cleansers should not only cleanse the face of sebum and impurities, but also moisturize it. This is how Active Energy gel from NIVEA MEN works. In the case of oily skin, it is important to thoroughly remove dirt and grease from the face twice a day, i.e. in the morning and in the evening. In addition, it is better to choose products from the same line that complement each other. When looking for a moisturizing cream, it is worth to use a product of light and gel consistency, which will ensure better absorption, and at the same time will not leave a sticky layer on the skin.

Try not to touch the face

There are hundreds of bacteria on our hands and even if you can't see it with the naked eye - hands get dirty almost all the time. For this reason, people with oily skin should especially avoid touching the face, as this way they transfer bacteria. It is easy to guess that this leads to numerous eczemas and other imperfections. In addition, this makes it easy to get infected with many infections, such as a cold.

Change to a healthy diet

Some food products may exacerbate the problems characteristic of oily skin. These include alcohol, coffee, chocolate, butter, cheese, eggs or carbonated drinks. So it is best to eliminate them from everyday menu, or to significantly reduce their consumption. On the other hand, eating fruit and vegetables, wholemeal products, nuts and, in the case of acne, soya and zinc-containing legumes will be beneficial. It is also important to drink mineral water - at least 8 glasses a day, as well as freshly squeezed fruit juices. Since green tea helps to remove toxins from the body, it is worthwhile to see for yourself. People with oily skin should give up red meat in favour of poultry and soya and reduce salt intake. Minor dietary modifications combined with the use of appropriate cosmetics will certainly improve the appearance of the skin.
