The Polish fitness industry has a great potential for growth. According to Deloitte data, the vast majority of fitness clubs expect a significant increase in revenues this year, and 2.77 million Poles already use their services. The turnover of customers is high, which results in the creation of many new facilities, but just as much closes the business. According to Tony Cowen, the creator of Europe's first fitness multiplex network, there is room for new formats on the domestic market.
- The fitness industry in Poland has a huge potential. Poles love sport and are the only ones in Europe who have not felt the effects of the recession. When I came here nine years ago, hardly anyone was running. Today, many more people lead an active lifestyle. This is, among other things, the effect of the society getting richer," says Tony Cowen, founder of Europe's first fitness multiplex, Tonezone, in an interview with the news agency Newseria Biznes.
The services of the fitness club are regularly used by 2.77 million Poles. In 2015, the Polish fitness industry generated PLN 3.65 billion in revenue, i.e. PLN 50 million more than in the previous year, according to Deloitte Polska and EuropeActive data presented in the report "The European Health & Fitness Market 2016".
- In the United States, about 14% of the population belongs to various sports clubs. In Great Britain this percentage reaches 12%. In Poland, nine years ago, it was 0.5%. This shows a huge growth potential," says Tony Cowen.
This is confirmed by Deloitte experts: the Polish fitness industry is growing the fastest in Europe. However, we are still far from the Netherlands or Sweden, where 16% of the population exercises regularly. In Norway, fitness clubs are already used by one in five citizens.
The Polish fitness market is also characterized by a growing segmentation. According to the estimates of the Polish Fitness Employers' Association, the so-called mid-markets, i.e. clubs addressed to a large number of people, offering a wide range of services, are the most numerous. According to forecasts, their market share will decrease in the coming years. On the other hand, the low-cost segment (with limited customer service), the boutique segment (with a narrow specialist offer) and the fitness club chain will grow.
- The fitness club market is divided into segments. We have networks of cheaper clubs, such as McFit or Cityfit, and premium networks, such as Holmes Place. In each of these segments there is a place for more clubs. The potential of the Polish market is huge - believes Tony Cowen.
At the end of last year there were about 2.5 thousand fitness clubs in Poland. Another 33.3% expect the growth to be between 2.5% and 7.5%. Despite such good forecasts, Deloitte experts point out that over the last twelve months a lot of new clubs have been created, but a similar number has also been closed down.
- The market is stabilising. People like to join fitness clubs, but the rotation is high. Many people leave because they are not satisfied with the services provided. Hence the growing popularity of personal training. In our new Tonezone format, each member receives an individual training program as part of the purchased ticket," announces Tony Cowen, responsible for the international success of giants such as Pure JATOMI and Fitness First.
Gdansk fitness multiplex Tonezone is the first in Europe and one of the few facilities of this type in the world. On an area of 1700 square meters in the Metropolis Gallery there are eight thematic training zones, a café and even a crèche. The investment cost amounted to almost PLN 10 million, of which more than PLN 4 million was spent on the equipment itself.
- It's a bit like a cinema multiplex, but instead of films, there are different types of training available in each room. These include cycling training areas, body and mind activities such as yoga or pilates, more active forms of exercise such as boot camp, as well as dance activities such as zumba. There will also be four zones in the gym, thanks to which we want to encourage women to strength training - says Tony Cowen - The new shopping centre in Gdańsk Wrzeszcz is a great location, which offers great opportunities. The club is right next to the railway station, so it is easily accessible. This is a great point to start developing a new format.
The Tonezone brand development strategy assumes that within five years 70 such facilities will be built in Europe's largest metropolitan areas. More fitness multiplexes will also appear in Polish cities.
- We think about Geneva, Paris, London, Frankfurt, but also about cities in Poland. We want to create three or four clubs in the next few years. I think that the local market will develop here. People get rich and drive cars more and more often. They work in office buildings, where they use elevators and escalators. This reduces their physical activity, so they lose weight. They need extra classes and the right conditions to practice. Especially that in winter in Poland it is difficult to do fitness on the air. Years are beautiful here, but winters are harsh, which is why we focus on the Polish market - explains Tony Cowen.